Friday, December 12, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holidays are here

I am counting down the days until Santa Paws visits me! I have been pretty good this year, so I should get almost everything on my list. Besides presents and delicious food, holidays can also be stressful for some dogs. Shopping, baking, wrapping gifts, rushing, parties, etc. Lots of different people in and out of house, mysterious shiny boxes, crazy lights all over, some pets just don't get excited about this time of year.
What can you do to make sure we are as comfortable as possible? Stick to our routine, it's what we know! Keep all sweets and chocolates OUT of our reach. Make sure there are no ornaments in grabbing range. If there are a lot of people over and we feel crowded, put us safely in another room, and in our crate.
AND if you insist on putting the dreadful Elf, Santa or Reindeer costumes on us, be sure to take them off after pictures. They can be uncomfortable and if too tight, cause circulation problems.

So back to the fun stuff, here is my list: I would love to know what's on yours!
I LOVE these smart toys...interactive, fun and if you buy from this site: it helps shelter pets!!

and this SNUGGLY soft dog bed, I can just see myself curled up all nice & cozy in it! 'Ring O' Rosies Dog Bed'

and of course BULLY STICKS!!!!!